As the planning for VBS gets underway we begin with a theme. While we take suggestions from the kids, we look at themes that will be doable. We look for crafts on this theme that can be purchased, decorations easy to assemble and obtain and Bible stories of course that will fit into that theme. We picked Outer Space this year and it was a BLAST! (Literally!)
We begin with a design. One of the ladies at our church who is an artist and owns her own design company comes up with our tshirt/banner and flyer design each year. Here is a picture of the shirts. On the front is the theme "Out of this World" with a rocket and the earth, and on the back is the Bible verse that we built our theme from "...but be transformed by changing the way you think." Romans 12:2.
Next, after the design and the theme is chosen, we start thinking decorations. For the foyer (where we do registration) we decorated as a NASA Mission Control. We drew out the logo on the wall and then had mission control center set up for the kids to play on as they come in and register.
The auditorium is another big part of decorating. One of the men in our congregation is an engineer. He designed our rocket ship in his garage! It was 14 feet tall, made hollow inside so that the skit astronauts could climb inside and the top opened up as well. The backdrop was black table clothes with Christmas lights poked through in holes to look like stars. We had 2 rockets on either side of the stage made from paper as well as a planet.
The kids begin in the auditorium. They sit with their specific grades with 2-3 adult leaders and 2-3 teen leaders. After singing and skit in the auditorium we break out for 15 minute sessions rotating through games, snack, crafts and Bible stories.
The Bible stories we chose to do were "The Good Samaritan" and "Philip and the Ethiopian Eunuch" (found in Acts 8). Both stories are about looking outside of oneself (out of this world - get it?) to helping others and showing them kindness and most importantly showing them Jesus. These two rooms were decorated like Bible scenes, and actors were dressed in Bible costumes to act out these stories.
Snacks was run by some fabulous ladies. After the kids were served snacks they made a fun decoration to help them decorate the snack room. They made rockets, aliens, or colored pictures each night to post around the room.
Crafts were ordered from - we made monster masks which were the biggest hit ever! The other crafts were small space paintings (which they colored with fabric markers), alien picture frames, and they decorated their own name tags with space stickers and they hung them around their necks with beads. The toddler and preschool crafts were star clappers, monster masks, and alien sticker pictures.
Games were run by our youth minister and some of our dads. They did a great job! On the last night we provided bounce houses for the kids and of course those were a hit.
I think by far the BEST thing about this years VBS was the skits in the auditorium. My husband wrote the skits, but what was so impressive was the people who were our actors and our director! They were amazing! We ordered astronaut costumes online (Halloween costumes) and then the aliens made their own costumes which were unique each night. Each night the astronauts visited a different planet where they tried to teach the aliens of the planet how to live the right way and be transformed. They had to get to them before the Evil Emperor was able to keep them in their old way of life. (One of our dad's wrote an original song about being transformed by the renewing of our minds and the blood of Jesus Christ. Awesome and very catchy.) Here some pictures of the skits and costumes. Incredible!
This blog post wouldn't be complete without mentioning the people who worked with the little ones. We had a nursery, toddler and preschool class for our VBS workers. Instead of rotating these groups the leaders had a schedule. They took them to the playground, had a snack brought in, a craft to make with them and a puppet show instead of a Bible skit. The puppet skits were about kindness, lying, and obedience.
On the last night we had a drawing from each group. The group leader adults nominated a handful of kids from their group who they saw having good attitudes and being "transformed" throughout the week. From this, I drew 3 names and these kids got a gift basket of space and alien toys and trinkets and they also got to throw a pie in the face of one of our actors. Much to my dismay these sweet kids kept calling my name and so one of our elders went ahead and pied me as well! That was a riot. I think the kids were very excited to see me pied.
Here are a few more pictures to finish out the blog! It was so much fun and probably my favorite VBS we've done here at UCC. God bless and see you guys for VBS next year.
These picture booths were outside for kids to have their pictures taken behind. |
On the last night we let the kids dress up. This year they were aliens. This was my favorite costume:) |
Our mission project. We filled this refrigerator this much with individually wrapped snacks for our Senior Highs mission project. |
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